Nestled in the tranquil countryside of Murcia, just outside the vibrant town of Mazarrón in Spain, lies a captivating country home waiting to unfold its story. This charming property, spread over a significant 120,000 square meters of land, offers a perfect retreat for those dreaming of a peaceful life under the sun-drenched skies of Southern Spain. Now, I know you're busy, and trust me, so am I, but allow me to delve into the many delights that this property and its surroundings have to offer!
Let’s embark on a journey through this delightful country property. With 3 spacious bedrooms and 2 well-sized bathrooms, it's perfect for those who have a keen eye for potential and an adventurous heart ready for a little renovation project. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s a fixer-upper and will need ... click here to read more