Nestled amidst the enchanting landscapes of the Norwegian countryside, this cozy chalet in Tollå offers a unique opportunity for those seeking a peaceful retreat. The secluded Saltdalshytte, located at Nesliveien 6, 8114 Tollå, is a spacious yet homely property that promises both tranquility and adventure right on your doorstep. As a busy real estate agent, I'm thrilled to share this gem that combines nature with a touch of comfort, appealing to overseas buyers and expats craving a slice of Nordic serenity.
With its blissful seclusion, the chalet boasts an inviting atmosphere as soon as you step onto its grounds. Encompassing 120 square meters of space, it's ample enough to make it your home away from home. It offers three charming bedrooms, plus a cozy loft fitted with two additional sleeping areas—perfect for family retreat or sharing memorable vacations with friends. Now, it's worth mentioning the chalet doesn't come with a conventional bathroom setup. So if a bit of rustic living appeals to you, this could be ideal. Of course, running water isn't set up yet, but fresh water from the nearby river or from melted snow does the trick. Electricity is up and running, suggesting a world of possibilities for transforming this space with a kitchen and maybe a future bathroom.
In terms of renovation, the property is in great shape, but there's room for personalization and enhancement. There's a delightfully traditional outhouse behind the cabin, freshly airy and clean. IPotential for that extra touch lies in a charming, albeit slightly aged, cabin at the property's edge. Currently used for tools, this space could be reborn as a handy annex or extension with a sprinkle of creativity.
The heart of this chalet is its outdoor ... click here to read more