Once upon a time, nestled amidst the picturesque Welsh landscape, lies an extraordinary country estate known as The Grange. Situated in the charming town of Ruthin, Denbighshire, this enchanting haven is steeped in history, beckoning discerning overseas buyers and expat families with its timeless allure. Boasting seven bedrooms and four lavish bathrooms, this grand Grade II listed residence offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Living in this part of Wales, one learns to appreciate the ebb and flow of the seasons. Ruthin, with its gentle climate, offers mild summers and cooler winters, perfect for those who relish a distinct change in weather throughout the year. The delightful town of Ruthin, just a stone's throw away, is a treasure trove for culture seekers, offering medieval architecture and welcoming pubs where stories of old come alive.
Now, about this majestic home - originally built in the 17th century with an elegant 19th-century façade - The Grange stands proudly within its vast 10-acre grounds. A classical storeyed porch, with its wide arch and historic hardwood door, welcomes you into an expansive, storybook-like home. Stepping into the inviting entrance hall, you'll find yourself immersed in history, with parquet floors and wall paneling guiding you through much of the ground floor.
If you peek to the left, the drawing room awaits with its feature fireplace and original 3-light windows, inviting natural light to play across the Jacobean-style decorative ceilings. On the opposite side, the formal dining room, fit for a family gathering, gazes out over the manicured gardens and the horizon of the Clwydian Range.
As you wander deeper into the abode, the original heart of the home ... click here to read more