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Reach a global audience

Homestra is the first Europe-wide real estate platform that connects your properties with millions of global buyers.

Join 520+ agents using Homestra


Why choose Homestra?

Sell to a global audience

Bring your properties to a global audience, increase sales and cash offers.

We are the first platform that allows you to service the needs of foreign home buyers.

Expand Your Horizons

Tap into a market you're missing out on – up to 75% of international buyers. Homestra's global reach can significantly boost your sales.

Boost Your Sales

Agents on Homestra report a 30% average increase in sales by accessing the international market. Expand your business and revenue potential effortlessly.

Personalized Global Insights

With Homestra, gain insights into international markets, leading to a 50% rise in your international client base within a year.

“Homestra transformed my business approach, connecting me with buyers from around the globe. I've seen a remarkable increase in inquiries, especially from expat clients.”

Elena García, – Realtor, Spain

Why list on a global platform

More cash offers, increase of buyers and properties available

More cash offers
Unique Visitors
Foreign home buyers

How it works

Begin your global real estate journey with a quick sign-up on Homestra.
Curated Listing Upload
Receive a step-by-step guide for uploading your listings. We help curating each listing, with enhanced visuals and descriptions to appeal to a global audience.
Global Market Exposure
Your listings go live, showcasing your properties to expats and international buyers, expanding your reach.

“The global exposure Homestra provides is great. My listings now reach a diverse international audience, resulting in a significant uptick in sales and a stronger portfolio of global properties.”

Lucas Dupont – Real Estate Agent, France


We have listed over 30,000 properties

“Joining Homestra opened doors to a world market I hadn't tapped into. My leads have increased by 35% with clients from across Europe and Asia. The platform's ease of use and global reach is great for my business.”

Amit Patel
Property Consultant, UK

“Homestra has been instrumental in expanding my client base to include expats and international investors.”

Sophie Alexander
RE broker, DE

“With Homestra, I've successfully targeted expat communities. Their network and support in navigating international markets have been crucial to my success.”

Liam O'Brien
Estate Agent, PT


Pricing plans for agencies of all sizes

Start listing your properties on Homestra today. Choose the plan.


Perfect for private sellers.


  • 1 property
  • Basic analytics
  • 48-hour support response time


Most popular

The best plan for medium-sized agencies.


  • 5 properties
  • Featured listings
  • Advanced analytics
  • 24-hour support response time
  • Marketing automations


For large agencies with complex needs.


  • Unlimited properties
  • Home page takeover
  • Featured listings
  • Advanced analytics
  • 24-hour support response time
  • Marketing automations

Frequently asked questions

What is Homestra, and how can it benefit real estate agents?

Homestra is a global real estate platform that allows agents to reach expats and international buyers, increasing sales and market reach.

What are the benefits of using Homestra for real estate agents?

Homestra offers agents the opportunity to tap into the international market, boost sales by up to 30%, and gain insights into global markets to expand their client base.

How can I sign up for Homestra, and is there a cost associated with it?

You can sign up for Homestra for free. There are also premium tiers available with additional features at competitive pricing.

What is the "Founding Member Introductory Offer," and how can I take advantage of it?

Homestra offers agents the opportunity to tap into the international market, boost sales by up to 30%, and gain insights into global markets to expand their client base.

What support does Homestra provide to agents after signing up?

Homestra offers personalized onboarding, curated listing upload assistance, global market exposure, and continuous support to help agents succeed in the global real estate market.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my pricing tier as my needs change?

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your pricing tier at any time to accommodate your evolving needs.

Are there any additional benefits for Premium tier users?

Premium tier users enjoy unlimited listings, featured homepage placement, an exclusive marketing package, priority customer support, and participation in Homestra's referral program.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time, and what is the billing cycle?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time, and you won't be charged for the following billing cycle. Billing cycles can be monthly or annually, depending on your preference.

How do Homestra's curated listings enhance my property marketing efforts?

Homestra's curated listings include enhanced visuals and descriptions designed to appeal to a global audience, increasing your property's attractiveness to international buyers.

Are all types of property listings allowed on Homestra?

No, we maintain a certain quality standard. We will help you to curate hight quality listings, with better descriptions and improved images.

Boost your sales.
Start listing on Homestra today.

Connect Your Listings with Millions of Global Buyers and increase your sales.