Nestled in the picturesque town of Fellingsbro, Sweden, this distinctive farmhouse situated at Nyckelby Norra Gården 164 offers a unique slice of country living. This historical yet vibrant property tells the tales of the past while offering the promise of future memories. If you're looking for a peaceful retreat that combines history with endless possibilities, Norra Gården might just be your next home.
This spacious dwelling, covering 264 square meters, provides plenty of room for a growing family or expats searching for a serene life in the Swedish countryside. The property holds seven charming bedrooms—an inviting prospect for those hoping for a roomy residence. With three well-maintained bathrooms, convenience is wherever you need it.
Outfitted with:
- Solar panels on the barn roof
- Tiled stoves
- Bergslagen stove
- Wood-fired kitchen stove
- Wide pine floors
- Beautiful historical doors
- Mature garden area
- Approximately 10,000 square meters of land
- Barn and carriage house
- Farmhand’s cottage with loft
- Outbuildings for varied uses
- Space for up to two cars in the garage
- Electrical outlets and lighting in the garage
This isn't just a home; it's an opportunity lying in wait. In past times, the current occupants have kept sheep, chickens, and horses here, along with domestic pets like cats and dogs. Imagine walking out to greet the sunrise with a cup of coffee in hand and the peaceful hum of country life as your backdrop. Here, you'll find a space that encourages the soul to breathe.
History and functionality meet beautifully in the main house. Thanks to careful renovations, it retains its character while incorporating today's conveniences. Extensive refurbishment, from kitchen updates to modern heati ... click here to read more