Once upon a time, nestled within the heart of charming Normandy, a delightful rural abode awaits its next chapter. In the quaint village of Lonlay-l'Abbaye, renowned for its picturesque landscapes and tranquil lifestyle, lies a 2-bedroom detached stone house that strikes a balance between cozy charm and exciting potential. Here, you'd be residing in a quintessential French countryside retreat — a haven for those who dream of morning coffees on a terrace framed by rolling hills.
Life in Lonlay-l'Abbaye is truly a breath of fresh air. The village is steeped in history and tradition, surrounded by lush green countryside and meandering rivers. It's a place where the neighbors know each other, and Saturdays often mean a visit to the bustling farmers' market, where you can pick up local goodies like cheese, fresh produce, and maybe even a baguette or two! Perfect for picnicking in your own spacious garden.
If you appreciate a bit of history, the local abbey is nothing short of fascinating, with its serene atmosphere and beautifully preserved architecture. On weekends, besides exploring historical sites, locals often take long walks or cycle through the numerous trails, enjoying the mild climate. Summers here are sunny without being too hot, and winters are mild, making it a lovely year-round spot.
The property, while in good condition, does whisper stories of potential. With approximately 76 m² of living space on the main level, the layout is straightforward yet functional. The stone-built home, accented with a rustic tiled roof, stands with character. The main floor provides a canvas for cozy gatherings—a sunlit living room warmed by a wood-burning stove, perfect for those chillier Norman evenings.
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