Imagine yourself living in the heart of the renowned French countryside, specifically in the charming region of Poitou-Charentes, in a delightful village known as Condéon. Nestled within the enchanting landscapes of Charente, a beautiful house awaits you, offering a unique blend of rustic allure and modern living. This place is perfect for those who dream of savoring the picturesque views every day, with a little piece of nature at your doorstep. As busy as I am, I've come across many properties, but there's something about this house that stands out.
Now, let me take you on a little journey into what life could be here. This 3-bedroom house, spread over 145 square meters, stands as a testament to the era it was built in—1901. The structure tells stories of the past with its beautiful cut-stone build, maintaining its strength and charm over the years. While it's semi-detached at the back, the surrounding wooded plot, an impressive size of approximately 8,500 square meters, ensures you'd have plenty of privacy and serenity.
Inside, the home oozes warmth and functionality. The house boasts two levels of living space, equipped with modern amenities that promise convenience. A reversible heat pump and storage radiator add to the comfort of living, ensuring you're snug regardless of the season. The climate here in Condéon is typical of the region—mild summers and crisp, cool winters. It really is the perfect climate for those who enjoy a balance between summer sun and winter coziness.
Lively and bustling, the local area offers an intriguing mix of relaxation and opportunity. On the ground floor, you’ll discover one of the three cozy bedrooms, making it ideal for families who prefer ground-level living options. It also has ... click here to read more